I am trying to hide/show column based on headername using ag-grid. As you can see below, I have used setColumnsVisible to achieve the same. But I need to this based on headername amd not field.
{ headerName: 'Rating Name', field: 'newRatingName', filter: true} this.gridColumnApi.setColumnsVisible(['newRatingName', 'newRatingReleaseDate'], false);true }
Is some other way to achieve it?
2 Answers
If you have access to the columnApi
, then I'd suggest you get the column using the columnApi
and the headerName
, and then use that to set the visibility.
For example:
const ratingNameColumn = this.gridColumnApi.getAllColumns().find(x => x.colDef.headerName == 'Rating Name'); this.gridColumnApi.setColumnVisible(ratingNameColumn, false);
Here's a StackBlitz for you.
You can use hide property in the column definition to conditionally hide your column. This is a boolean property that can be set to true/false. For example:
{ headerName: 'Rating Name', field: 'newRatingName', filter: true, hide: this.shouldHide(), } shouldHide = () => (true);